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How do I become a client?For enquiries please ring 07748713936 Alternatively, please complete the contact information form provided. We will get in touch and set time to understand more about your business and requirements.
Do you offer different support packages?We have a range of support packages which can be made available, however rather than publish these up front we prefer to tailor what is provided based on an assessment and discussion of each clients’ needs.
How much do you charge?We do not publish a single rate as there will be variability depending on the experience mix of resource supporting the requirements of each client. For clients who need more support (days/hours) over a given period we can offer a preferential/discounted rate. As we operate with low overheads, our rates are very competitive. Our model of charging on a 15 minute basis, means clients only pay for the time they actually need. We will always provide a estimate before completing any work and are transparent in charging our clients.
Do you offer a discount for charities?Yes, however we deal with such discounts on a case-by-case basis, considering both the support required and also the alignment of the charity with our corporate giving plans.
How do I sign-up for your employment law updates?Our quarterly newsletter summarises key developments in employment law, just click on Employment Law updates and enter your details to subscribe
How do you keep client’s data secure?We are highly committed to protecting your data and that of your employees in line with Data Protection legislation. We are registered with the ICO and our privacy policy below gives an overview of how we handle client data. For each client we do agree how these aspects are handled, depending on the work being completed. Some clients share access to a portal or laptop for the purposes of our work.
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